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What we did in… 2024 Stoptober – stop smoking during October Highland Sexual Health Inverness Clinic – Relocation from 9th of September Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes resources Phio – NHS Highland’s digital musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy assessment
As part of the NHS Highland physiotherapy service based in our GP practice, it’s important that we’re able to offer you immediate support when you feel like you need it.
NHS Highland are introducing a new NHS self-referral service to help connect you to the right care, in the right place.
Phio is a clinically-supported, digital musculoskeletal system. It is a free interactive online tool that quickly and accurately signposts you to the right pathway to support your MSK condition.
The Phio assessment takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and your answers will always be assessed by a qualified physiotherapy team. If your condition is deemed suitable, you will be invited to download an app on your smartphone with a programme of exercises tailored to your condition. You should receive this within 48 hours. Once you start, a team of physiotherapists are on hand to monitor and support you via a two-way chat.
This service is totally free, is overseen by the physiotherapy team at Phio, available to everyone aged 16 and over and will not impact your access to our other care services.