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What we did in… 2024 Stoptober – stop smoking during October Highland Sexual Health Inverness Clinic – Relocation from 9th of September Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes resources Phio – NHS Highland’s digital musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy assessment
If you take medication regularly a list of your medicines will be attached to the right hand side of your prescription. Use the latest list to advise us which medicines you require. You can do this as follows:
Please allow 2 working days before collecting your prescription from the surgery and 3 working days if collecting from the chemist.
Our upgraded Online Patient Services is linked to our patient records system and is called ‘Patient Services’. There is a link to this service below.
To register for Patient Services, please complete our Registration Form for Online Services and email it to nhsh.gp55893-reception@nhs.scot, along with a photograph of a valid form of personal identification such as a passport or a driving licence or bring the form to the practice with valid ID. We will process your request and you will then be sent your Registration Letter with details of how to create your secure online account with Patient Services.
Each member of your family will need to complete a separate Online Services Registration Form, even if you are sharing the same email address.
If you are already registered for Patient Services please click here to order any of your medications.
If you have received your registration letter and wish to register for the new service, please click here
Please be aware that from 5/12/2022 onwards you must register for Patient Services if you wish to continue to order your medications online.
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
We would also like to request that you inform us of your Smoking Status in the Free Text Box – E.g. Smoker / Ex Smoker / Never Smoked.
Thank you
We would strongly advise that you request that any of your prescriptions be sent to a pharmacy of your choice for you to pick up your medication from them directly. This will take a step out of the process for you, and save time when picking up your medication as it will already have been dispensed.
If for any reason you object to this, we would ask that you pick up your prescription from the surgery yourself. Under the new data protection regulations which came into force in May 2018, we cannot hand over your prescription to anybody else without your authorisation. If you do require somebody else to pick up your prescription eg if it is something urgent and you are unwell we will require authorisation, and would recommend that you complete the form below with details of those you would authorise in order that we can have this detail on your record. The individual would need to bring ID along with them ie a bank card or a bill with their name on it.
Please complete your own details and then the details of those you authorise to pick up a prescription on your behalf.
Prescriptions’ authorisation form
These drugs have now been reclassified as Controlled Drugs, so we can only supply one month’s worth at a time.
You cannot order too early and if you run out you cannot get an emergency supply.
We have attached a note to the repeat slip to all the patients who are currently taking the medication with the following:
As of 1st April 2019, this medication will be classified as a controlled drug. This means that we can only prescribe 30 days maximum at one time and you will have to order it more often.
Please ensure that you allow plenty of time to order your prescriptions going forward. If you run out, the pharmacy will not be able to give you an emergency supply due to this reclassification.