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What we did in… 2024 Stoptober – stop smoking during October Highland Sexual Health Inverness Clinic – Relocation from 9th of September Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes resources Phio – NHS Highland’s digital musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy assessment
A “GP Registrar” is a fully qualified doctor with several years hospital experience who is gaining their required supervised training in General Practice. As a practice we have met the required standards for General Practice training and usually have a GP Registrar working in the practice.
For all GP Registrars who are completing their training in General Practice there is a mandatory requirement to submit a video recording to have their consultation skills assessed independently. No consultation is recorded and submitted for assessment without the approval of a patient in writing before and after the consultation. We adhere to the guidelines and standards for video recording as set out by the General Medical Council.
All medical students are now required to spend some of their training in General Practice. This is the recognition of the fact that General Practice is a medical speciality in its own right. We welcome medical students from various medical schools particularly Aberdeen and Dundee. A medical student may be present when you attend for a consultation. If you prefer to see your doctor alone please say so and your request will be honoured.