Crown Medical Practice

12 Crown Avenue, Inverness, IV2 3NF

Telephone: 01463 214450

We're open

Useful links

Please find some useful links below:


Bereavement Resources:

Resources for Children who have been affected by bereavement

Childhood Bereavement Network: Childhood Bereavement Network

Child bereavement UK:


Resources for Adults affected by Bereavement

Cruse Scotland: Home : Cruse Bereavement Care (

Highland Hospice Bereavement counselling:

Sue Ryder Bereavement counselling ( online): Online Bereavement Counselling Service | Sue Ryder


Resources for Parents & Families  affected by Bereavement

The compassionate Friends:

Sands- stillbirth and neonatal death charity:

Lullaby Trust – support for Bereavement following Sudden infant death or Sudden unexplained death in young  Child:


Suicide Bereavement Support Service

This service is delivered all across Highland and Argyll and Bute by Change Mental Health. They provide emotional and practical bereavement support to anyone who has lost someone to suicide. Their free 1:1 support takes place over the phone, by video call or face-to-face, and support can be provided for as long as required. They can support in the weeks and months following a suicide, or even years after it has occurred.

GPs, Community Link Workers, Scottish Ambulance Service staff, Community Mental Health Teams and Social Workers can all refer into the service on behalf of a patient. People can also easily self-refer by calling for free on 0800 471 4768, emailing them at or by filling in the contact form on the Change Mental Health website



Infant feeding clinics:


Menopause Matters website:


Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes resources


Education sessions for Type 2 Diabetics on Insulin

NHS Highland Diabetes nurses are offering structured education session to patients with Type 2 Diabetes on Insulin. They hope to offer these as a day session, covering topics to increase your understanding of diabetes and self-management. In a relaxed, safe environment they aim to support lifestyle and behavioural changes to improve long-term health outcomes.
If you are interested to attend such a session, please contact the team via email directly on:


Embrace Autism programme

Embrace Autism is a programme of support designed for autistic adults 18+, who are living in Scotland, recently diagnosed, and are looking to explore their autistic identity and learn how to navigate life post diagnosis (formal or self-diagnosis). This project is a partnership between the National Autistic Society Scotland and Autistic Knowledge Development and is funded through the Scottish Government.

Participants will attend an online series of six group sessions, where up to 12 autistic adults will share experiences and strategies. The groups will also aim to connect autistic adults, creating peer-support networks that will last beyond the completion of the programme.

 Each session is:
Week 1. Welcome and What is Autism.
Week 2. Identity and Intersectionality.
Week 3. Masking.
Week 4. Relationships and Communication.
Week 5. Reasonable adjustments and Benefits.
Week 6. Employment and Wrap up/next steps.

 A suite of online videos is also accessible to autistic adults across Scotland. The short and easily accessible videos provide autistic adults with an understanding of important topics such as autistic identity, masking, relationships, reasonable adjustments, and employment.

You can access these videos here Embrace Autism

** Please note this programme is currently running Tuesday/Wednesdays at 12- 1:30pm, you would only attend one of these days.

If you are interested in taking part in our online group, please complete this this form: Embrace Autism Application Form

Once we have received your application, you will be contacted to arrange a short 1:1 video call.

 If you have any questions or require more information about this project, please contact



Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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